Thursday, 10 March 2016

Movie Magazine Main Image Construction

Just like for my movie poster I selected File, New, selected international paper size and made the background a dark grey. From a previous sketch of hands that I completed, I went back in and drew over the top of the drawing to look like the same style as my movie poster, using circles to sculpt the shape. Taking a picture I then imported the drawing into Photoshop and began to edit. I started by removing the background using the magic wand tool and moving the image onto my original dark grey background. I had to adjust the size to fit, as the photo was only 17x20cm and my background was 21x29.7cm. By making this the front cover of my magazine I am keeping in context and theme of my movie poster, but also I am challenging the codes and conventions of a movie magazine, as there is no charachters face visible on the image. Only the power of suggestion will connect the two. I knew from making my backgrounds dark grey/black and my illustrations I would need to incorprate another colour or colours into my poster and cover, so I decided to make them red and yellow, as these colours would stand out most against the harsh background.

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