Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Monday, 21 March 2016

Movie Magazine Construction

Here I have shown you the processes and tools that I used to create my movie magazine.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Second Draft of Movie Magazine Front Cover

Here is my second draft f my music magazine front cover. I like how the dark background really makes the font stand out and look stylistically specific to my teaser trailer.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

First Draft of Music Magazine

Here I have constructed the first draft of my music magazine. I used photoshop and constructed layers to make it, varying with font styles and colour to try and stay in line with the codes and conventions of the fantasy animation genre I am following.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Character Design

I knew I had to have a series of character designs so I sketched up some options and this is the final result for the main stages of the single characters life.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Movie Magazine Main Image Construction

Just like for my movie poster I selected File, New, selected international paper size and made the background a dark grey. From a previous sketch of hands that I completed, I went back in and drew over the top of the drawing to look like the same style as my movie poster, using circles to sculpt the shape. Taking a picture I then imported the drawing into Photoshop and began to edit. I started by removing the background using the magic wand tool and moving the image onto my original dark grey background. I had to adjust the size to fit, as the photo was only 17x20cm and my background was 21x29.7cm. By making this the front cover of my magazine I am keeping in context and theme of my movie poster, but also I am challenging the codes and conventions of a movie magazine, as there is no charachters face visible on the image. Only the power of suggestion will connect the two. I knew from making my backgrounds dark grey/black and my illustrations I would need to incorprate another colour or colours into my poster and cover, so I decided to make them red and yellow, as these colours would stand out most against the harsh background.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Movie Poster Advertisement

I placed my movie poster on several different types of public spaces, such as Bus stops, billboards and the side of buses to make sure I reached the full target audience for advertising.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Target Audience Feedback on Poster

Here I have made a Padlet page to let my peers and others express their opinion on my draft, and see what constructive criticism they could give me to improve on.